We encourage those who are coming down on teams to bring donations for the ministry if they are able. Below are lists of items that the ministry needs with the Priority List detailing our biggest current needs.
Priority List--Currently most needed
- Children's Books and Chapter Books (in Spanish)
- Triple Antibiotic Cream
- Children's Vitamins (gummies preferred)
- Children's Ibuprofen
- Children's Tylenol (Acetaminophen)
- Children's Eye Drops
- Lice Shampoo
- Cough Medicine
- Liquid Allergy Medicine
- Construction paper
- Small gifts and prizes for boys and girls
- Thick pencils for preschoolers
- Thick crayons for preschoolers
- Glue sticks
- Battery operated wall clocks
- Colored pencils
- Finger paint
- Masking tape
- Permanent markers
- Dry erase markers (thin)
- Pencil sharpeners
- Craft foam sheets, all colors
- Foam sticker shapes
- Black, blue, and red ink pens
- Children's songs in Spanish
- Xbox games (make sure it can be understood if not in Spanish)
- Watercolor paint/glitter/other art supplies
- Play-Doh
- Kinetic Sand
- Disposable plates for art
- Large educational stickers
- Post-It Notes
- Extra large googly-eyes
- White-Out Tape
- Occupational/Educational Costumes for Preschool (Doctor, Cook, Queen, etc.)
- Reusable ice packs for injuries
Education & Classroom Supplies
- Animated stickers
- Black, blue, and red ink pens
- Masking tape
- Permanent markers
- Dry erase markers (thin)
- Pencil sharpeners
- Craft foam sheets
- Foam sticker shapes
- Magnets for art projects
- Books in Spanish (children & youth)
- Children's scissors
- Clear tape
- Construction paper
- Craft pom poms
- Durable educational toys (all ages)
- Educational software (in Spanish)
- Elastic for sewing class
- Fabric pins with colored heads
- Fasteners
- Googly eyes for crafts
- Hot glue guns and glue sticks
- Whiteboard cleaning spray
- Liquid glue
- Pipe cleaners (for crafts)
- Spanish encyclopedia software
- Spiral notebooks
- Stickers
- Velcro self-adhesive coins
- Watercolor paint/glitter/other art supplies
- Finger paint
- Pencils
- Block erasers (not cap erasers)
- Thick pencils for preschoolers
- Children's songs in Spanish
- Play Dough
- Animated stickers
- Xbox games
- Large stickers
- Kinetic sand
Medical Supplies
- Anti-diarrhea medicine for children
- Anti-inflammatory pain relief
- Bruise Relief gel
- Children's earache relief
- Children's Tylenol (Acetaminophen)
- Children's vitamins
- Children's cold medicine
- Decongestant nose drops
- Head lice treatment
- Stomach relief medicine for children
- Cough drops
- Muscle rub
- Pepto Bismol
- Orajel for kids
- Cotton balls
Office Supplies & Equipment
- One-sided weekly time cards (for standard time clock)
- White-Out tape
- Post-it Notes
Other Supplies
- Bath (bar) soap
- Toothbrushes (small and regular size)
- Toothpaste
- Underwear for children ages 2-8
- Birthday wrapping paper
- Small gifts for prizes (for children)
- Balloons- any size, shape, or color
- Children's shoes
- Disposable plates for art
- Small gifts/prizes
- Clear face shields for children
- Occupational/Educational Costumes for Preschool (Doctor, Cook, Queen, etc.)